Thursday, March 5, 2020

It's my wife's fault.

Dear Readers,
     Hell kinda sucks. I am currently in the Ninth Circle of hell in the icy waters with Satan. For my betrayal of King Duncan and Banquo, I have been sentenced to the worst fate in Hell besides being in Satan's mouth like Judas. I will be stuck here forever, unable to escape this eternal torment, besides to blog every once in a while, but the thing is, my hands are cold, giving me the worst punishment of typing slowly and painfully with frostbite fingers. I have had time to reflect, and after a lot of thought, it still isn't my fault. I only listened to four women,the witch and the three weird sisters. If only I was not so easily swayed. I must go, for Satan calls for me again. This is Macbeth signing off, good day.


Lennox said...

You are finally getting what you deserve.

Duncan said...

Well I'm glad you got what you deserved. See you around in the afterlife.

Banquo said...

You finally have received the punishment you deserve. I can rejoice you errant,fat-kidneyed toad. I do find it odd that we can continue to use technology after we die...