Wednesday, February 26, 2020

I will do what I must.

Dear Readers,

Banquo is dead. As I was informed of this, we held a banquet to celebrate my kingship. Before I could sit down however, Banquo's ghost appeared in my chair, holding my spot. I chose to yell at him to move, but to my surprise, no other person could see him. Eventually he left and after my wife was able to calm down the guests, I moved again to take my seat. Yet, once again, the ghost appeared. I could only attempt to coerce the ghost away from my throne, but he did not listen. In the end, the guests were forced to leave and I retired to my chamber with my wife after a short discussion.

I fear the rumors that I have been hearing of Macduff and Malcolm in England. It is a possibility that they will attempt to steal the crown from me after I so rightfully took it out of my own ambition. I may have to take dire measures and start a war in order to protect my crown, and I will do so if it means I can pass my power onto my own sons. My strength to hold onto the Scottish throne is as strong as steel, nobody will hold power besides my lineage. Either way, the future shall tell.


Duncan said...

You should have seen yourself when Banquo was sitting in your chair. You made a fool of yourself. Good thing your wife is there to help you out.

Hecate said...

Oh don't kid yourself! You went insane in front of your lords. You must be more insane than I thought if you think your children could ever hold the thrown after your humiliation.

Second Witch said...

"As I was informed of this"... like you didn't already know of his death. I know people are suspecting you, it's just a matter of time. Hehe good luck, let's see how long you're king.

Mac to the Duff said...

I am coming for you Macbeth. You are a filthy man. Your wife has more NUT-Hook then you do. Your a coward and I'm coming for you!

Ross said...

The whole situation was very awkward. Banquo deserved better. You are a horrible friend and an even worse King!

Macbeth said...

Neither of you could ever have half the ambition and strength it took for me to gain power. You are nothing but cowards compared to me.

Lady Macbeth said...

It was so embarrassing,love ya, but you're such a drama queen!

Banquo said...

Paranoid much... I wonder why you would ever be scared of something bad happening to you.