Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Feelin' like Jon Snow

Dear readers,
      I can't believe what I have been told. King?! Some witches in a forest predicted that I would become Thane of Cawdor, as well as King, and I couldn't believe it! Now the Thane of Cawdor has been executed for treason and I have gained his title. All the sweetness of victory in battle has soured into dark ambitions. I want to be King, but I don't think I can bring myself to step on those that trust me to get higher in life. And only to make matters worse, Malcom has been named next in line for the throne. I will not only have to betray one of my closest friends to get the crown, but I will have to get rid of his son as well. What should I do?? Hopefully when I return home my wife Lady Macbeth can help me find my way.



Banquo said...

What about my good news and fortune?? I thought we were friends. Why do you not include any detail about me.

Second Witch said...

I am excited to watch everyone fall apart, just so you can have your kingly title.

Ms. May said...

I hope you can get this all figured out! It's really a conundrum!

Lady Macbeth said...

It truly is a huge mess, but we will figure it out my dear husband. XOXO

Ross said...

You become KING!? Of course you would be the best king to ever live, but do you realize the things you will have to do to earn that title?