Friday, February 14, 2020

"I'll make a man out of you"

Dear Readers,
      I have returned home from my battles and was able to once again see my dearest wife. After returning, I had a long discussion with my wife about what the witches prophecy meant for me, and how I should respond. Afterwards, the king decided to spend the night at my home, such a coincidence that it could not be ignored. After hours of deliberation I had to think alone about the acts my wife wishes for me to carry out. After going back and forth, I realized that it must be done for the greater good of my family line, and I prayed that the earth shall help me carry out this deed without any issues.

       I have chosen my path. I am wishing for all the guile and cunningness that the world could provide, as if I am caught in the act of this heinous crime, it would mean the end for me and my line. It took me hours to build up the strength needed to follow through with this ambitious plan devised by my wife, but the bell has been rung, and I must go complete my duty as a man. For if I fail, I not only fail myself, but I fail the vows of my wife, and break the trust that we share. By the end of the night, I will either be one step closer from the king, or forever forsaken to guilt, shame, and eventually, dishonorable death. -JW


Duncan said...

Thank you so much Macbeth for inviting me to your castle. It is amazing. I am glad I was able to name you Thane of Cawdor. You are the best man I know.
-King Duncan

Macbeth said...

Thank you Duncan! Your praise always honors me more than anything in the world. Thank you for the honor of being a thane of two lands, I shall continue to defend you against attack at all costs, even trading my life for your own. Goodnight

Ms. May said...

Good luck screwing your courage to the sticking place!

Fr3akest Witch said...

Have guilt and shame, or be king?? It is your choice.

Mac to the Duff said...

Macbeth please make some time to speak to me! I have some really important things I'd like to ask you.

Ross said...

Macbeth I have full trust in anything you do.....always....

Lennox said...

Macbeth you are evil and unworthy of anything. Do not think that you will get away with this because you are not going to. You have something coming for you.