Thursday, March 5, 2020

It's my wife's fault.

Dear Readers,
     Hell kinda sucks. I am currently in the Ninth Circle of hell in the icy waters with Satan. For my betrayal of King Duncan and Banquo, I have been sentenced to the worst fate in Hell besides being in Satan's mouth like Judas. I will be stuck here forever, unable to escape this eternal torment, besides to blog every once in a while, but the thing is, my hands are cold, giving me the worst punishment of typing slowly and painfully with frostbite fingers. I have had time to reflect, and after a lot of thought, it still isn't my fault. I only listened to four women,the witch and the three weird sisters. If only I was not so easily swayed. I must go, for Satan calls for me again. This is Macbeth signing off, good day.

"You should have gone for the head" *Decapitates Macbeth*

Dear Readers,
       I have been slain. The three witches gave me prophecies of glory, only to ensure my fall. When the traitors attacked my castle, I was able to survive the majority of the assault, even killing Young Siward. But, just as the witches predicted, I fought Macduff, and he was born of a woman, instead being a C section. I fought until the end, but it was in vain as Macduff was able to beat me, and I was forsaken by the three witches. Now that Malcolm is king, Scotland shall fall into disorder, he will never live up to my legacy as king. I should be on that throne, and my descendants should have followed me. Either way, I must atone for my mistakes and ambition.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Who can stop me?

Dear readers,
   I have fortified my castle at Dunsinane in preparation for the attack from England. I cannot die, but my wife and servants may die, thus I must protect my household. I was told by the witches to fear Macduff, but since he is a man like any of us, he cannot hurt me. In addition, Birnam wood has yet to move an inch, the apparent signal of my demise. Unless those witches move an entire forest and resurrect some supernatural non human being, I have no fear for my life or my throne. That said, I do fear for the sanity of my wife as we have grown extremely distant recently, and she seems to be having trouble suppressing her inner guilt. I hope she is able to overcome her weakness and come back to me as the wife I knew. In the end, I will hold on to the throne until the end of my days, but if the witch is right, I will sire no children, meaning there may be more issues ahead. For now, I will focus on killing the traitors Macduff and Malcolm.