Friday, February 28, 2020

"Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy My brothers."

Dear Readers,

The weird sisters have given me more prophecies about my future. At this
point, I am invincible unless Hercules himself returns to depose me from my throne. No man will ever defeat me, and an entire forest must move to signal the end of my reign. Unfortunately, I was still told that no child of mine will carry on the scepter, but those hags cannot predict everything. I will sire a child and heir to take the throne. However, they did warn me of MacDuff, so I chose to take action. It is sad that I had to commit this act of evil towards his family, but it was needed to be done to ensure my dynasty's survival. Now I will turn my sights towards England because of their protection of the traitors. If it comes to war, so be it. I will sacrifice the lives of hundreds of Scottish men to keep my throne, as it is rightly mine by ambition.
If you appose me, you will not survive.


Wednesday, February 26, 2020

I will do what I must.

Dear Readers,

Banquo is dead. As I was informed of this, we held a banquet to celebrate my kingship. Before I could sit down however, Banquo's ghost appeared in my chair, holding my spot. I chose to yell at him to move, but to my surprise, no other person could see him. Eventually he left and after my wife was able to calm down the guests, I moved again to take my seat. Yet, once again, the ghost appeared. I could only attempt to coerce the ghost away from my throne, but he did not listen. In the end, the guests were forced to leave and I retired to my chamber with my wife after a short discussion.

I fear the rumors that I have been hearing of Macduff and Malcolm in England. It is a possibility that they will attempt to steal the crown from me after I so rightfully took it out of my own ambition. I may have to take dire measures and start a war in order to protect my crown, and I will do so if it means I can pass my power onto my own sons. My strength to hold onto the Scottish throne is as strong as steel, nobody will hold power besides my lineage. Either way, the future shall tell.

"Who wear our health but sickly in his life, which in his death were perfect."

Dear Readers,
I am the newly crowned king. With becoming king however, there are always power struggles. I am not sure whether I did the right thing killing Duncan, but the past is the past and I must retain my hold on the kingdom. It seems that certain close allies are plotting against me, I see it in their eyes. As I said, "To be thus is nothing, But to be safely thus." (3,1,48) I must now do everything in my power to stay king, and I shall bear a line of kings, damned what the witches say.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Murder On My Mind

Dear Readers,

My ambitions have led me to the path predicted by the three witches. I am on my way to Scone to take the crown, one which has no right on my head. I have committed heinous crimes, and hid the blood from the eyes of the people. Luckily, the two sons of Duncan left Scotland and have received the majority of the fault for the death of Duncan, but I fear that some people still hold suspicion. I may have to take matters into my own hands to keep hold of the crown, but for now I seem uncontested in the bid for ultimate power. We will see what the future has in store.

Friday, February 14, 2020

"I'll make a man out of you"

Dear Readers,
      I have returned home from my battles and was able to once again see my dearest wife. After returning, I had a long discussion with my wife about what the witches prophecy meant for me, and how I should respond. Afterwards, the king decided to spend the night at my home, such a coincidence that it could not be ignored. After hours of deliberation I had to think alone about the acts my wife wishes for me to carry out. After going back and forth, I realized that it must be done for the greater good of my family line, and I prayed that the earth shall help me carry out this deed without any issues.

       I have chosen my path. I am wishing for all the guile and cunningness that the world could provide, as if I am caught in the act of this heinous crime, it would mean the end for me and my line. It took me hours to build up the strength needed to follow through with this ambitious plan devised by my wife, but the bell has been rung, and I must go complete my duty as a man. For if I fail, I not only fail myself, but I fail the vows of my wife, and break the trust that we share. By the end of the night, I will either be one step closer from the king, or forever forsaken to guilt, shame, and eventually, dishonorable death. -JW

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Feelin' like Jon Snow

Dear readers,
      I can't believe what I have been told. King?! Some witches in a forest predicted that I would become Thane of Cawdor, as well as King, and I couldn't believe it! Now the Thane of Cawdor has been executed for treason and I have gained his title. All the sweetness of victory in battle has soured into dark ambitions. I want to be King, but I don't think I can bring myself to step on those that trust me to get higher in life. And only to make matters worse, Malcom has been named next in line for the throne. I will not only have to betray one of my closest friends to get the crown, but I will have to get rid of his son as well. What should I do?? Hopefully when I return home my wife Lady Macbeth can help me find my way.